As I type these words, I'm thinking about the big bowl of candy sitting on my kitchen table. My roommate's boyfriend - who is a real adult, and lives in a real house, and so had trick-or-treaters come by - had extra candy after Halloween last Sunday, and brought it over.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays for two reasons: 1) I love watching kids getting dressed up to go trick-or-treating; and 2) I. Love. Candy. Especially "fun size" candy, the kind people give out on Halloween.
Fun size candy is made for people like myself, who love to eat but are terrified of reverting back to their fat-kid days. If I buy a normal-sized piece of candy, I'll eat the entire thing. I have absolutely no self control when it comes to candy. Fun-sized candy provides a tidy alternative. Eating one fun-sized candy sates my appetite for delicious sugary goodness, but won't turn me into a whale.
The bowl of candy the roommate's boyfriend brought over has fun-sized Skittles, Milky Ways, and Reeses. All solid Halloween choices: Skittles for the people who don't like chocolate, and Reeses for the people who don't like Milky Way (although who doesn't like Milk Ways??). My personal favorite is Snickers, but there are none of those in the house. It's a good thing, too - I'm going home in a few weeks, and I need to look fantastic!
At last, and update! And on a most deserving subject.